امریکا غږ ستاسې غږ Public Domain  — ستاسې غږ خپرونه کې د امریکا غږ د اشنا رادیو اوریدونکي په مستقیمه توګه له مونږ سره اړیکه نیسي او د خپرونې د چلوونکو او اوریدونکو سره خپل نظر، اندیښنې او شکایتونه شریکوي. دا خپرونه په ژوندۍ بڼه د افغانستان په وخت د شپې د ۹:۳۰ تر ۱۰:۳۰ بجو پورې خپریږي. د تماس شمیره: ۰۰۱۲۰۲۹۸۰۶۸۲۰ 13 sec
Роми на війні проти російських загарбників виборюють місце в післявоєнній Україні - міжнародні огляд... Public Domain   Голос Америки 14 sec
Має бути стратегія перемоги України у війні – Ольга Токарюк, дослідниця Chatham House. Відео Public Domain  — Коли американська допомога може змінити ситуацію на полі бою в Україні і чи важлива для цієї чіткої стратегії підтримка від Білого Дому? Про це в програмі «Брифінг Голосу Америки» Юлія Ярмоленко говорила з дослідницею Chatham House Ольгою Токарюк. ... Голос Америки 14 sec
Un mero trámite CC BY-SA  — La nueva dirección liderada por Besteiro se considera provisional, con 40 miembros y divisiones internas que podrían manifestarse en el futuro. Aunque motivado por el reto, Besteiro enfrenta un panorama desafiante. ... Mundiario 26 sec
Ecuador demanda a México por interferir en asuntos internos CC BY-SA  — El Gobierno de Daniel Noboa acusa al de López Obrador ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia por conceder el asilo político al expresidente Jorge Glas. ... Mundiario 26 sec
El juez del caso Koldo mantiene su rechazo a citar a Begoña Gómez como testigo CC BY-SA  — El magistrado de la Audiencia Nacional, respaldado por la Fiscalía, reitera que no hay evidencia que vincule a la esposa del presidente con los investigados en el caso de presuntas irregularidades en la adjudicación de suministros durante la pandemia. ... Mundiario 26 sec
Тэксты Тацяны Нядбай, Уладзіміра Някляева, Уладзіміра Лобача і іншых аўтараў перакладуць на 13 моў у... Attribution+   Радыё Свабода/Радыё Свабодная Эўропа 36 sec
Вбивство двох українців у Німеччині: слідчі не виключають політичний мотив Attribution+  — Що було мотивом злочину, наразі все ще незрозуміло, але політичний мотив не виключають ... Радіо Свобода 51 sec
Ракетний обстріл Одеси: Загинули перехожі, серед поранених – Ківалов Attribution+  — В Одесі під час сьогоднішньої ракетної атаки було поранено екснардепа та ректора Національного університету “Одеська юридична академія” Сергія Ківалова. Про це повідомляє Суспільне з посиланням на проректора НУ “ОЮА” Валентина Федорова. Повідомляється, що горів будинок, в якому мешкає Ківалов з родиною, відомий в Одесі як “замок Ківалова”. На ньому майже згоріла покрівля. За інформацією джерел […] Запись Ракетний обстріл Одеси: Загинули перехожі, серед поранених – Ківалов впервые появилась InfoResist. ... InfoResist 2 min
"Активистны якларга килгән өчен генә гарип калырга мөмкин". "Баймак эше" фигуранты Дим Дәүләткилдин ... Attribution+  — Туганнары ирне полиция хезмәткәрләре кыйнаган, аннары якыннары һәм адвокатлардан яшергән дип белдерә. Дәүләткилдинны 17 гыйнварда Баймакта киңкүләм тәртипсезлекләрдә катнашуда гаеплиләр. Әлеге вакытта ул Уфада тикшерү изоляторында тотыла. ... Азаттык үналгысы 2 min
Vlast i opozicija u Srbiji imali sastanak s predstavnicima javnih servisa Public Domain   Radio Slobodna Evropa/Radio Liberty 2 min
BILINKEN: Gargaarsa Namoomaa Gaazaa Galchuurratti Fooyyaa’insi Argamus Isiraa’el Kana Caalaa Gochuu ... Public Domain   Voice of America 2 min
BILINKEN: Gargaarsa Namoomaa Gaazaa Galchuurratti Fooyyaa’insi Argamus Isiraa’el Kana Caalaa Gochuu ... Public Domain   Voice of America 2 min
Prezidaant Joo Baayiden Seera Wal Hormaataa Dhimma Ijoo Duulaa Filannoo Isaanii Taasisanii Jiru Public Domain   Voice of America 2 min
Prezidaant Joo Baayiden Seera Wal Hormaataa Dhimma Ijoo Duulaa Filannoo Isaanii Taasisanii Jiru Public Domain   Voice of America 2 min
Dhaabbatni Maallaqa Addunyaa yokaan IMF Maaliif Akka Itiyoophiyaan Sharafa Maallaqa Ishee Gad Buuftu... Public Domain   Voice of America 2 min
Dhaabbatni Maallaqa Addunyaa yokaan IMF Maaliif Akka Itiyoophiyaan Sharafa Maallaqa Ishee Gad Buuftu... Public Domain   Voice of America 2 min
Foto-vest: Pala velika grana u parku Čair, nema povređenih Attribution+  —  U niškom parku Čair, koji svakodnevno posećuje veliki broj građana, danas popodne se odlomila velika grana, a poveđenih, na sreću, nije bilo. ... Južne vesti 2 min
Požar zahvatio market u Nišu Attribution+  —  U marketu "Mere" koji se nalazi na Bulevaru Nikole Tesle u Nišu izbio je požar koji je, kako kažu u policiji, njima prijavljen oko 19:30. Navode da je jedna osoba povređena. ... Južne vesti 2 min
ეკლესია, მთელი სოფელი გაანადგურეს მთიან ყარაბაღში აზერბაიჯანის მიერ რეგიონის დაბრუნების შემდეგ Attribution+  — მას მერე, რაც აზერბაიჯანმა ექვსი თვის წინ მთიანი ყარაბაღი კვლავ დაიკავა და ეთნიკურმა სომხებმა რეგიონი დატოვეს, საჰაერო ფოტოები ადასტურებს, რომ ამ ტერიტორიაზე სრულად ნადგურდება სომხური მემკვიდრეობა. ... რადიო თავისუფლება 2 min
Rusiyede akimiyet mayısnıñ 9-nda parad ve yürüşlerni kütleviy şekilde lâğu ete. Neler ola? Public Domain  — Rusiye akimiyeti mayısnıñ doquzına eki afta qalğanda «Zafer künü» tedbirlerini kütleviy şekilde lâğu etip başladı ... Azatlıq Radiosı 2 min
Rusiye ordusı Odesağa ateş açtı, dört barışıqsever insan elâk oldı Public Domain  — Mesken evler ve vatandaş infrastrukturası zarar körgenler. Odesa uquqiy akademiyasınıñ Studentler sarayında yanğın çıqtı ... Azatlıq Radiosı 2 min
LiveTalk Public Domain  — LiveTalk chirongwa chemaminetsi makumi matatu chinobuda paterevhizheni chamunokwanisa kufona muchipa pfungwa dzenyu. Zvizvarwa zveZimbabwe zviri munyika nekunze zvakasungunuka kuchaya nhare zvichipa pfungwa dzazvo pane zvinenge zvichiitika munyika. Chirongwa ichi chakanangana nekudzidzisa nekupa chayedza kuvateerei panyaya dzakakosha munyika uye tinenge tichitaura nevehurumende, vanopikisa, vakazvimirira voga nenyanzvi mune zvakasiyana siyana. Musakanganwe kuva nesu muchinzwa nekuona chirongwa ichi Muvhuro kusvika Chishanu pamasaisai anoti 1800-1830UTC, kubva nenguva dz8 kusvika 8-30 manheru. ... Voice of America 2 min
Trump dao loše ocjene Bidenovim šalama sa večere za dopisnike iz Bijele kuće Public Domain  — Na večeri za dopisnike iz Bijele kuće u Washingtonu– tradicionalnom skupu na kojem se, jednom godišnje, zbijaju šale na račun predsjednika koji je trenutno u Bijeloj kući, medija i cijelog političkog establišmenta, šale predsjednika Joea Bidena bile su dobro primljene proteklog vikenda. ... Glas Amerike 3 min
ده‌نگی ئه‌مه‌ریکا وەزارەتی دەرەوەی ئەمەریکا تیشک دەخاتە سەر پێشێلکردنی مافی کورد لە تورکیا Public Domain   ... 3 min
Sindicalistas animados com o aumento salarial, jovens desentusiasmados Public Domain   Voz da América 3 min
Sindicalistas animados com o aumento salarial, jovens sem entusiasmo  Public Domain   Voz da América 3 min
Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s departing first minister, and the art of the resignation speech CC BY-ND  — Humza Yousaf’s resignation as first minister of Scotland was, in the end, expected, after a chain of events made his position untenable. It was trailed from early in the morning that he would be resigning, so when he finally addressed the media at lunchtime, there was no sense of shock in the room. The departure speeches of government leaders are of course as varied as the reasons for which they are given. But there are consistencies across the genre, too. Such speeches are usually between about 12 and 20 minutes long and follow what is crudely called the “turd sandwich” approach. They begin with a justification of the politician’s record in office, focusing on key successes and innovations. They then make comments about the future of politics – perhaps swiping at certain opponents or even members of their own party – and encourage public vigilance around certain issues. The speech will then conclude with broad comments about what the resigning leader may do in the future, observations that it has been an honour and pleasure to serve the public of “this great nation” and thanks to those who have helped in their career, including family and friends. Often a wife, husband or partner will stand dutifully at their side while the speech is made. Yousaf spoke for just under 10 minutes, which may be a reflection of his short tenure of just over one year. He also largely resisted the urge to take swipes at others. He “genuinely” wished his party and the opposition well and said he had no ill feeling towards anyone. This may be a reflection of his own culpability in his downfall, but also his age (39) and his thoughts about what may be to come. Yousaf welled up somewhat when he talked about the support of his wife and family, and this is a common occurrence in departure speeches. Gordon Brown was visibly upset as he spoke for the last time as prime minister in 2010, as was Theresa May in 2019. There are famous photographs of Margaret Thatcher in tears in the back of the car as she left Downing Street in 1990. Staying humble Few politicians are afforded the luxury of a departure on their own terms or even under the relatively steady circumstances of a regular turnover of democratic power. Many leave amid the chaos of governmental collapse or being stabbed in the back by rivals. Some leave in light of accusations of wrongdoing or mismanagement. The context of the departure is important. However, it is often the character of the leader that matters more when it comes to the content and tone of the speech. Some leaders are simply more gracious and eloquent than others and Yousaf managed to convey a sense of humbleness, despite the frustrating circumstances. This is in contrast to Kevin Rudd who gave one of the most compelling departure speeches at the end of his first stint as prime minister of Australia in 2010. Rudd was unable to speak at times due to his level of emotion, but was also clearly furious at being forced out by his deputy, and then successor, Julia Gillard. His jaw clenched and his words almost hissed at times. Kevin Rudd’s resignation. Lost to history? Few departure speeches are memorable. This is because they tend to have little bearing on policy and contain no profound political message. They also rarely contain any revealing or helpful information about the circumstances that underpin the departure. But there are some exceptions. Japanese politician Ryutaro Nonomura’s memorable resignation speech went viral in 2014 when he sobbed incoherently and banged his fist on the desk after he had been accused of abusing his expenses. Ryutaro Nonomura’s tearful resignation. In terms of importance of content though, the standout departure speech was probably made by US President Dwight Eisenhower when he left the White House in 1961 after two terms in office. Historical records tell us that Eisenhower put a lot of time into drafting his speech and wrote most of it himself. In it he made a profound critique of American politics and society and its direction of travel. He also coined a new term that remains in regular use today: the “military-industrial complex”. Eisenhower: a resignation to remember. In terms of fundamental issues, facing his country, Yousaf did mention Scottish independence and Scotland’s soft power overseas. But he refrained from discussing climate change and the debate about gender – which were key areas of disagreement with the Green party and Alba party and contributed to his demise. This was not a speech that is likely to be remembered – but perhaps, given the circumstances of his departure, and his own role in it, Yousaf would prefer it that way. Colin Alexander does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. ... The Conversation 3 min
How a digital archive is preserving Canada’s history of LGBTQ+ activism CC BY-ND  — LGBTQ+ organizations in Canada are gearing up for a “Rainbow Week of Action” that will feature rallies across the country calling on governments to do more to support LGBTQ+ communities. Such events are part of a long history of LGBTQ+ campaigning and protest. However, in a time when anti-LGBTQ+ movements are growing, recording that history is as important as ever. As increasingly advanced digital technologies pervade every aspect of our lives, making that history easily accessible online can help contemporary movements learn from previous generations of activists. At the Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada project (LGLC), we are aiming to learn from lesbian activists of the past to uncover which of their practices can inform the creation of online history resources today. Our project, working alongside the University of Ottawa’s Digital Humanities Lab and Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries’ Collaboratory, highlights how feminist and queer practices can create meaningful change using digital methods and tools. Recording Canadian LGBTQ+ history The LGLC project was developed from author Donald McLeod’s two print chronologies, Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada, which span from the start of the first homophile association in Vancouver in 1964 to the start of the AIDS crisis in 1981. A longstanding volunteer at ArQuives: Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives, McLeod began work on his chronologies in the early 1990s after discovering visitors to the ArQuives knew very little about gay and lesbian history, especially within Canada. Cover of Donald McLeod’s book chronicling the history of lesbian and gay movements in Canada. (Author provided) The LGLC project aims to further McLeod’s goal of engaging contemporary readers in Canadian LGBTQ+ history by moving into the digital sphere. Since 2011, we have been working to expand the text and related resources online, moving from McLeod’s 3,200 event listings to 34,000 records about the events, places, people, organizations and print publications that formed the movement. Making this material accessible digitally allows for a more interactive and engaging exploration of LGBTQ+ Canadian history. It enables users to easily move through time and geography, and to understand the interconnectivity of events and figures within the gay liberation movement — something that is not as feasible in a book format. We’ve extended the end date for our historical research to 1985, when Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms came into effect. It stipulates that every individual is equal under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. Users are able to see how the movement was formed and evolved over time; how its ideas moved between cities and beyond well-defined societal and political identities; and how liberation activists survived — and won — many battles because of the links that connect people through their shared oppression. In an age where it is clear that hard-won rights can be eroded, projects like the LGLC help to ensure that rights movements are preserved against the loss of collective memory. Wages Due Lesbians One such organization LGLC has been able to spotlight is Wages Due Lesbians, which was an extension of the Wages for Housework movement of the 1970s. The movement sought to ensure the financial security of women who worked within the home, and who created the Lesbian Mothers Defense Fund, in support of custody rights for lesbian mothers. Wages Due Lesbians argued that lesbians should be recognized as full citizens despite many of them not contributing reproductive work to the capitalist patriarchal system in Canada. Since women’s value was often associated with their productive and reproductive capacities, Wages Due Lesbians argued that heteronormativity rendered lesbians’ work undervalued and underpaid. Wages Due Lesbians focused on a discourse of shared oppression, shared goals and shared needs. They organized women’s dances, rallies, meetings and launched a bookmobile to reach rural areas and the Child Custody Fund to support lesbian mothers fighting for the custody of their children. They were famous for the subversive song “Fucking is work” which shone a light on the undervalued emotional and physical labour of love and support. Keeping queer history alive Our access to this activist history depends on archives that have defied the tradition of collecting material valourized by patriarchy. As American poet and essayist Adrienne Rich aptly put it, archiving is an act of survival, a means of understanding and sharing information about the implicit and explicit assumptions in which women are immersed and an act of refusing to be destroyed by patriarchal society. The researchers that lead and support the LGLC project work hard to seek out events that have yet to be shared online by sifting through boxes of archived material. No voice is excluded from the encoding project: we have found workaround for anonymous voices to be included in the database, and we employ date tagging that allows for uncertain dates. We collaborate with other organizations including the Quebec Lesbian Network, Wikimedia Canada and the Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for Digital Humanities. We share our work through the website, but also through open data, Wikipedia edit-a-thons, teaching material, movie nights and volunteering at public-facing events. It is important to keep queer history alive so the nuance, wrongs and the triumphs of the past are not lost, and so the work of previous generations is recognized and valued. It also helps us to recognize how much feminist and queer organizing of the 1970s often excluded trans and racialized people. The LGLC strives to not ignore or whitewash the histories and legacies of anti-trans, racist and colonial violence and legislation and their effects. While many white cisgendered Canadians continue to benefit from this history today, the history of LGBTQ+ and feminist organizing teaches us that renewed violence and legislative turns threaten bodily autonomy of all Canadians. Through the LGLC project we hope to contribute to safeguarding the legacies of past movements and empower current and future activists. By embracing new technologies and practices, we can ensure the histories of marginalized communities are not only remembered but remain catalysts for change. Constance Crompton receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Heritage Canada.Michelle Schwartz receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).Pascale Dangoisse does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. ... The Conversation 3 min
Rusiya Baltik dənizi hövzəsində sərnişin təyyarələrinə təhlükə yaradır? Public Domain  — Baltik ölkələri Rusiyanı Baltik dənizi hövzəsində GPS siqnallarını boğmaqda və aviasiya üçün çətinliklər yaratmaqda ittiham edirlər ... Azad Avropa/Azadlıq Radioları 4 min
Almaniyada iki ukraynalını qətlə yetirən rus həbs edilib Public Domain   Amerikanın Səsi 4 min
ABŞ səfirliyi Anar Məmmədlinin saxlanılmasına münasibət bildirib Public Domain   Amerikanın Səsi 4 min
José Mujica, ex-guerrilheiro e ex-presidente do Uruguai, anuncia que tem câncer no esôfago Attribution+  —  José Mujica, ex-presidente do Uruguai e líder da esquerda latino-americana, anunciou nesta segunda-feira (29) que tem um tumor no esôfago cujo tratamento é "complexo", mas prometeu continuar na cena política e disse estar "grato" por sua vida.  ... Radio France Internationale 4 min
NY Qanûna Nû ya Îraqê ya Ser Peywendîyên Homoseksuelî bi Xurtî Rexne Dike Public Domain  — Bi Qanûna ku roja Şemîyê hat pejirandin, jibo teşwîqkirina tekilîyên seksî yên hemanzayendî herî kêm heft sal cezayê girtîgehê û cezayê 10 mîlyon Dînarê Îraqê destnîşan dike. ... Dengê Amerîka 4 min
Germania: Procesul contra extremiştilor de dreapta care intenţionau să răstoarne guvernul de la Berl... Attribution+  —  Nouă membri ai mişcării extremiste de dreapta, cunoscută sub denumirea „Cetăţeni ai Reich-ului”, sînt învinuiţi de punerea la cale a unei lovituri de stat. Procesul împotriva lor a început astăzi la Stuttgart. Cu toţii sînt acuzaţi de înaltă trădare şi formarea unui grup terorist. Alţi învinuiţi vor fi judecaţi la München şi Frankfurt. ... Radio France Internationale 4 min
Mafuriko Kenya: Guterres atuma salamu za rambirambi na kuelezea mshikamano Attribution+  — Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa António Guterres amesisitiza azma ya Umoja huo ya kushikamana na Kenya wakati huu ambapo mafuriko makubwa yaliyobabishwa na mvua kubwa zinazonyesha kwa wiki kadhaa sasa zimesababisha vifo na majeruhi. ... Habari za UN 5 min
İsrail, ABD’den tedarik ettiği silahların kullanımında uluslararası hukuka uyuyor mu? Public Domain  — Reuters haber ajansına göre İsrail'in Amerika tarafından sağlanan silahları uluslararası hukuka uygun olarak kullanıp kullanmadığı konusunda, 8 Mayıs’a kadar Kongre’yi bilgilendirmesi gereken ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı, bölünmüş durumda ... Amerika'nın Sesi 5 min
Filistin yanlısı protestocular, Columbia Üniversitesi'nde uzaklaştırma tehditlerine meydan okuyor Public Domain  — Columbia Üniversitesi Rektörü, Filistin yanlısı öğrencilerle kampüsteki çadır kampının kaldırılmasına ilişkin müzakerelerin başarısız olduğunu söyledi. Rektör Nemat Minouche Shafik, gönüllü olarak dağılmayan protestocuların üniversiteden uzaklaştırma cezası alacağı uyarısında bulundu ... Amerika'nın Sesi 5 min
LiveTalk Public Domain  — Livetalk is a 30-minute call-in TV (simulcast) talk show engaging Zimbabweans in-country and in the diaspora to air their views on developments taking place in Zimbabwe and elsewhere. The program aims to enlighten citizens on critical issues by engaging experts, non-state actors, politicians and government officials. Join us Monday to Friday 1800-1830UTC, 2000-2030pm Zimbabwe time. ... Voice of America 6 min
Kucutshungulwa Udaba Lokwakhiwa Kwedamu leGlassblock/Bopoma Elizaletha Amanzi koBulawayo Public Domain  — WASHINGTON — Ikhansili yedolobho lakoBulawayo ngoMvulo ihlangene labosomabhizimusi lapho okucutshungulwe khona uhlelo lokwakhiwa kwedamu elizabizwa ngokuthi yi Glassblock kumbe Bopoma elikhangelelwe ukuthi lilethele lelidolobho amanzi ngisiphangi-phangi. IBopoma yindawo lapho okuzakwakhiwa khona leli idamu. Eloba enkundleni yebulenjini eye X, usodolobho wakoBulawayo uKhansila David Coltart uthi uhlelo lolu luzasebenza kuze kufike umnyaka ka 2037 lapho okuyabe sokudingakala khona ukuthi kube lamanzi avela ku Gwayi-Tshangani, lezinye inhlelo zokusebenzisa amanzi kanengi-nengi ngemva kokuwahlanza, eze re-cycling. Ukuze sizwe okunengi okuhlafunwe emhlanganweni lo, sixoxa loKhansila Khalazani Ndlovu ka Ward 10, ongumgcinisihlalo wekhomithi ebona ngenhlelo zamanzi ekhansilini yakoBulawayo. Ukhansila Ndlovu uthi bakhangelele ukuxoxa ngaloludaba emhlanganweni we full council meeting, andubanabaluqhubele uhulumende, onguye okufanele avume ukuthi uhlelo lolu luqhubeke. Uthi bakhangelele ukwenza lokhu ekupheleni kwayonale inyanga, njalo uhulumende engavuma, kungathatha inyanga eziyisitshiyangalombili ukuthi idamu leli lakhiwe.   ... Voice of America 6 min
Amidst ongoing conflict, efforts to save this endemic tree are threatened CC BY-ND  — Editor’s note: This story is part of a collaboration between Ensia and Egab exploring environmental efforts by communities facing potentially more urgent concerns such as war and poverty. Egab is a media startup that helps young local journalists from across the Middle East and Africa get published in regional and international media outlets, with a focus on solutions journalism. You can read the other stories in the series here and here.  On a recent trek through Yemen’s Socotra island, local resident Issa al-Rumaili stops to point out a spot in the distance: “In front of us are the ruins of a vast forest of dragon blood trees,” he says. To see it requires some imagination. On an otherwise deserted hill stood three lonely trees, with their distinct umbrella-like canopies. Dragon’s blood, or Dam al-Akhawain (two brothers’ blood), as it’s locally known, is endemic to Socotra, a mostly desert archipelago south of the Arabian Peninsula, whose isolation from Yemen’s mainland has largely spared it the destruction of the country’s nine-year civil war and preserved its distinctive nature. But international and government funding for Socotra’s environmental protection authority has dried up, and financial support previously offered to native efforts to save the tree has dwindled, says the authority’s director Salem Hawash. This funding reduction isn’t completely due to the ongoing conflict, according to a 2021 report from the Conflict and Environment Observatory, a charity based in the UK. “The problems pre-date the current conflict,” the report reads. “By 2012, the IUCN reported that the Socotra EPA’s annual budget was just US$5,000.” That said, the report goes on: “It appears inevitable that the intensifying pressures that the islands are facing as they are dragged into the conflict will continue to place their unique natural and social heritage at risk.” Meanwhile, the authority’s building was converted by Saudi military forces into a temporary headquarters, according to Socotra residents — a reflection of the war’s impact on the island, and the further sidelining of its biodiversity. These hurdles, along with those brought about by a changing climate, contribute to the uncertain future for the dragon’s… Read More The post Amidst ongoing conflict, efforts to save this endemic tree are threatened appeared first on Ensia. ... Ensia 7 min
Etazini: Etidyan Kontinye Manifeste Kont Lagè Izrayèl nan Gaza a Public Domain  — Manifestasyon ap twouble inivèsite yo nan tout Etazini pandan lekòl ki pwal gen seremoni gradyasyon lòt mwa ap fè fas ak ekzijans ki mande pou yo koupe relasyon finansye ak Izrayèl akoz lagè Izrael-Hamas la. ... Lavwadlamerik 7 min
Gran Tit Nouvèl Entènasyonal pou 29 Avril, 2024 Public Domain  — VOA 60: Konstriksyon yon kanal irigasyon nan katye Malfety nan Fort Liberte, ann Ayiti ... Lavwadlamerik 7 min
Gouvènman Bukina a Bloke Plizyè Medya Entènasyonal Pami Yo VOA Afrique Public Domain  — Gouvènman Bukina Faso sispann ayè dimanch la plizyè lòt òganizasyon nouvèl entènasyonal, kèk nan yo san di pou jouk ki lè, poutèt jan yo te fè repòtaj ki akize lame a pou moun ke li ta ekzekite san jijman, se sa otorite ki ap kontwole kominikasyon nan peyi a fè konnen. ... Lavwadlamerik 7 min
မြစ်ကြီးနားအကျဉ်းထောင် ဆန္ဒပြမှုနဲ့ပစ်ခတ်မှု စုံစမ်းအရေးယူနေ  Public Domain  — ကချင်ပြည်နယ် မြစ်ကြီးနားထောင်တွင်း ဆန္ဒပြမှုမှာပါဝင်တယ်ဆိုတဲ့ အကျဉ်းသား ၁၉ ဦးကို ထောင်တွင်းအပြစ်ပေးအရေးယူထားသလို နောက်ထပ် ပြစ်ဒဏ်ချမှတ်ဖွယ်ရှိနေပါတယ်။ လူသေဆုံးတဲ့အထိပစ်ခတ်ခဲ့တဲ့ ဒီဖြစ်စဉ်မှာ အကျဉ်းဦးစီးအရာရှိတချို့ကိုလည်း ဖမ်းဆီးစစ်ဆေးနေတယ်လို့သိရပါတယ်။ ... အေမရိကန္အသံ သတင္းဌာန 7 min
Favelas hold conferences ahead of G20 summit in Rio Attribution+  —  Representatives from favelas in several countries are starting a series of conferences on Monday (Apr. 29) to discuss solutions to their problems, in preparation for the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro in November. Rio’s gathering is currently being held in Complexo da Penha. By September this year, conferences will be held in more than 3 thousand favelas across all 27 Brazilian states and 41 other countries—such as Mozambique, Congo, Kazakhstan and Belgium. The idea is to collect proposals and submit them to G20 leaders. “The favelas make a significant contribution to the country’s development with their workforce. And the ideas that are born in the favela are usually not used by the public authorities, because the favela is not consulted on relevant issues. And now, with the G20, it’s an opportunity for the favela to organize itself and put forward the issues that are of interest to us. It’s a chance for the favela to show it has the capacity to think about the issues that governments are discussing: sustainability, human rights, [reducing] inequality,” said Celso Athayde, co-founder of the Unified Center for Favelas, Cufa. After the local conferences in the favelas, state and national events will be held in the 41 countries, Athayde pointed out. “We’re going to make these people’s voices heard. Whether or not the heads of state will take them into account is their responsibility. Our responsibility is to organize and demonstrate that the favelas can't just be secondary actors. They need to be protagonists, if the agenda is also theirs.” *Radio reporter Cristiane Ribeiro contributed to his article. ... Agência Brasil 7 min
Германия передала Украине новый пакет военной помощи Attribution+  — По данным ведомства, в пакет помощи вошли БМП, боеприпасы для разных систем, в том числе ПВО, радары и прочее ... Радио Свобода 8 min
«У меня мама в оккупации, она меня ждет»: кто идет в украинские рекрутинговые центры и почему? Attribution+  — Чем эта система отличается от ТЦК? Могут ли рекрутинговые центры со временем решить вопрос мобилизации в Украине? ... Радио Свобода 8 min
Алтайский театр снял с репертуара спектакль по пьесе Шендеровича Attribution+  — Причина - жалобы части зрителей на постановку по пьесе "иноагента" ... Радио Свобода 8 min
В Тбилиси прошел митинг "Грузинской мечты" в поддержку закона об "иноагентах" Attribution+  — В нем приняли участие около ста тысяч человек ... Радио Свобода 8 min