Who funds Open Newswire?

Open Newswire is entirely funded by me, Z Crellin. I’m a journalist from Sydney, Australia.

This is a non-profit project and has no political or institutional affiliations.

How do you choose what sources to incorporate?

We attempt to include any bonafide news source that publishes under a Creative Commons licence, or that encourages its articles to be shares under some other scheme.

If you know of any additional news sources that full under these category, please do reach out!

The only sources we deliberately exclude are those that are overly blog-like and those that spread blatant misinformation.

Why am I seeing so many articles in a certain language?

You can select your own language from the left-hand side of the newswire.

Additionally, it’s worth considering the time of day. If you open newswire when one part of the world is awake and another part is asleep, that will dictate what articles are most recent in the feed.

What do the different licenses mean?

Good question! We’ve tried to break down the different licences here.

Are the articles translated into different languages?

No. Open Newswire does not translate anything.

All articles are shown in the language that they were originally written. English, Spanish and Portuguese have the most sources and therefore the most articles.